
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Get to know Maxtyn.

I just wanted to give those who don't know Maxtyn's history, a little post about him. :)

Maxtyn Daymein was born 5 weeks early, on January 21st, 2010.  His lungs weren't fully developed and he ended up getting sick. Thankfully, he got to go home after 5 weeks in Children's Hospital of Buffalo. They were amazing there! It was a very emotional and difficult experience, but I know that it has made me stronger!
Max has an unnamed Neuro- Muscular disease that runs in our family.  This simply means that he gets tired out easier than other babies and his physical development is a bit delayed.  He is very bright and right where he is supposed to be mentally and socially for his age. :)

Today, Max is almost 15 months old.  He sits up on his own, crawls all over the place, gets into everything and is a very happy baby!  He receives OT and PT twice a week and is getting stronger every day.  Right now he is working on standing. I can't wait until he can walk! ( Yes, I know I will regret saying that.. LOL )

Now that you know a bit more about his history, I'm sure my posts will make a little more sense. :) Thanks for reading!

- Amy

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