
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I'm a Michigan-ian...Michiganer... Michigander? Anyway, I"m HERE!

I'm overdue for a post, I KNOW and i'm sorry!!!

Things have been soo busy the last few days.  So, our trip was a little longer than we expected but we got here and everyone was excited. Adam's friends stayed to help unpack then left the next morning after goodbyes.  Max had so much fun Saturday night meeting his new cousins Lizzie, Tori and (big) Max, seeing his cousin Liam again as well as some aunts and uncles. Sunday he got to meet his other cousin Gabby and played the day away with her too. I've never seen Max have so much fun before being able to play with kids his age and being outside free to run and play.   

So today is/was Tuesday and WOW I got a lot done.   Now, know that I usually never leave the house (never USED to) so doing all these things today I was NOT ready for but glad I got it done.  So, I left the house around 10 with Adams mom and head to the post office and got my address changed as well as got some money orders. Now I had to stand for probably 10 minutes here, partly to fill out papers and partly waiting for the Postal worker to get off the phone. (I'll remind you.. standing is horrible for me.. drains me..) Next I asked Siri to lead us to the Social Security office. This office was in the city a bit in a really odd place that I wasn't expecting it to be. You know.. like back off some side road near a development. So, my Social Security Office experience was exciting. I grabbed my number and sat down and waited about 20 minutes until it was my turn. Finally after the lady called my number I told her that I needed a name change, to change our address and other information.  As the woman put in information she had asked me why I wasn't receiving spousal or surviving child benefits from Chris' death.  I explained to the woman that to my surprise NYS had told us we didn't qualify for anything at all, which surprised the woman. She did a little research and left me standing there (been standing about 10 minutes now and stood there while other impatiently waiting people stared back at me) for about 5 minutes and came back to tell me that we DID qualify for benefits from his death.  So, I then had to sit and wait about 5 minutes to be called to another area to do an application for the benefits.   After a half hour sitting and talking with that lady I found out Max qualified for the death benefit and a small monthly benefit for losing a parent.  WooHOoo! Who doesn't love good news?  Ok, finally done with SSA, Siri leads us to DHS(department of Human services...not DSS like in NYS) to make sure they knew Max's medicaid would still be in tact for Michigan.  I walked in and stood for probably 10 minutes at an empty desk waiting until someone else standing said they wouldnt return from lunch for an hour.  There's no way I'm standing here for that long. I head back to the car and say poo to DHS for today.  Oh. I forgot about the old lady. There was an old lady who asked us for a ride before we pulled into the parking lot there. We told her we weren't able to because we had to go in the building but after we left we did give her a ride down the road. Poor woman kept talking about how she needed money for this and that. She asked us to pray for her as we dropped her off, I hope she made it home safely.  Ok so back to our mission. Well, then we saw a greek place so we stopped there.  Adams mom talked about eating Lamb and I wasn't interested so I ate something that moo'd instead. (I know, go to a greek place and eat a burger, I'm no fun).  Ok lunch was done we were full and headed off to the BMV! (Yes, BMV not DMV because Michigan likes to be different). Stood in line for 5 minutes just to get a number. I was 44 and they were on 16...woooo for waiting. Once my number came up (and after watching seriously boring ads and photos flash across the tv screen overhead for 20 minutes) I went up and got my car registered.  50.00 cheaper than I expected YAY.  I'm walking out of the BMV all proud and excited and go next door to a place that offers super low car insurance. Wouldn't it be awesome to get lower insurance than what I'm paying? Right, ok!  Go in there and stand for 5 minutes giving information for them to tell me that they would be charging me 30.00 more than I'm paying now and I should just stick with Giecho. Alrighty. So we leave there and head to Aldi's.  Shop shop shop, checkout, load bags with food, load car with bags and we are both ready to collapse from weakness and pain.  ( And decided we aren't doing this without bringing a man or someone able to do the hard work so we don't kill ourselves).  Off to Walmart for more groceries and birthday cake (Happy Birthday Fred!!!!((Adams dad)) ). I went in alone to spare his mom's back a bit.  Shop shop shop, food, find adam shoes (Oh and i found Max some that fit over his braces SCORE!!!) checkout, load car,  YAY time to go home! But wait, I forgot McDonalds.  Now, let me tell you my child IS a bit spoiled but he's NOT a brat. He is a very picky eater and has some sensory issues so yes I buy him food that he will eat otherwise he won't. Yes I've tried the " Eat or go hungry " and he chooses go hungry each time and I'm not going to keep doing that to him. /End Rant.   So we head to McDonalds and pick up 10 packs of McDonald's apples because apples are the only fruit Max will eat (that and applesauce in the pouches) 10 packs for 5.00 isn't too bad. Saves me time cutting the apples and its about the price of buying a bag but wasting the cores ect.  And no he won't eat them when *I* cut them up.  Ok NOW we go home. YAY home. Put some stuff away, then one more grocery store to get some stuff on sale.  This time Adam, Max and I go in our newly registered/plated car.  Got that done, went home put stuff away.   Adam goes with his mom to Rite Aid and to get pizza.  We eat, then FINALLY I go for a short ride in my car.  Here's some background:  I haven't driven in 5 years.   My lisence was suspend because i got in an accident and never paid a ticket. Idk why. A lot happened between then and now. And I hadn't had a car between then and now. So I took a short drive and my intentions were to go to the car wash. Wel, I couldn't find it. And was nerved up so I wasn't going to keep looking. I got my test drive in and went home. 

so.. yeah there ya go lol. That was my eventful day. Any questions? :P 

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