
Friday, May 3, 2013

Packing Day

WHY didn't anyone warn me how horrible this would be? It's okay, I forgive you.

Here's a tip if you're planning on moving, even though you really think there won't be much to do or that you can get it done quickly do NOT wait until 3 days beforehand to start everything.   You may think that people will show up and help and everything will be peachy but really, does life always work out how you want it to? :P  

So, I'm going to complain at you for a bit because well, this is a blog and it's what mommies do sometimes.
So I slept for 4 hours last night. Kinda one of those nights where you think you're big and bad and 18 years old and can pull an all nighter.  At about 4am, reality begins to kick in and you give up. Well, at least I do.  So, I'm a tad sleepy but surprisingly I haven't attempted to pass out yet.  Secondly, holy allergies batman.  I dislike this tree pollen. I used to only have allergies in the late summer, but apparently that wasn't enough for me. I can't stop sneezing and itching and sniffling. Which is making me miserableeee. Thirdly, I'm hungry. We got some donuts for beeakfast and ate those and we are having pizza in a few hours once the boyfriend's friends come to help load the Uhaul truck up. But till then, I found a stray Hot Pocket in the freezer and the lil one is eating a corndog (eeew).  My last complaint is the fact that other than the loading help of his friends I have no one to help me clean the house and finish packing everything up. Which, I mean I really can't complain because the boyfriend has helped a lot and its MY house after all. Just wish I had a couple compassionate souls available. (I DON"T mean those of you that would but can't) And my poor sister is sickly in bed today. Boo. 

Well, I suppose I should stop blogging and get back to work. I have one room completely finished!!  We are heading out at 7am (yes, apparently there IS a 7am) and it's about a 6-7 hour trip depending on stops ect. See you all when I'm no longer a New Yorker!

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