
Monday, April 29, 2013

It's almost time!

WOW! I can't believe that we only have 4 days left until we move! This last month has really flown by. Thankfully as the time gets closer we've been getting everything more in place.

Some news first, we have a car!! I'm soo excited that we found an awesome deal.  The car will be waiting for us in Michigan. It's a 2001 Chevy Cavalier, silver with no marks or dents.  I'm glad that we found a smaller car that will be easier for me to drive and gets great gas mileage. It has been so long since I've had my own car and been able to go out without needing to take a bus or taxi (and I'm sure Max will love it too!).   This will give us better opportunities to go out and do things as well as finding more doctors to get our diagnosis.

Aside from our car news, Everything else seems to have fallen into place for the move.  Max's therapy has pretty much been set up, but I need to call when I get there for complete details.  He will be seen at the school for the month of May and then 6 weeks in the summer. I will drive him there. Then in September, Max will be put into a special preschool program that kids with special needs may enter at age 3.  I know that Max will LOVE school and seeing other kids.  Another plus, is he will have a cousin in the same school as him, so I think that will help him be comfortable as well.  As for doctors, we have set where we would like Max to go for his pediatrician but I still need to find myself a family doctor and find us both Neurologists. 

The rest of this week, will be full of packing and last minute errands like Max's last checkup here.  Friday we will be getting the Uhaul trailer and loading it up and then heading out Saturday morning. Max has a new booster carseat, a new monkey neck pillow and an activity tray that straps to his seat for the trip.  I hope everything goes smoothly and I'll be sure to update once we get there!

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