
Saturday, February 22, 2014

WOW. I haven't posted in forever.. sorry!
So.. what's new...

So life in Michigan is going lovely, though i do miss my family in NY alot. Oh, I'm engaged! We are getting married September 30th.  I am SO excited! Planning a wedding is SO much fun. Oh, and not to mention Maxtyn is wayyyy excited!

Some updates on Maxtyn you ask? Of course!
Max is doing well overall, with some speedbumps as always lol.  Max has been getting sick (vomiting) about every 3-4 weeks. Thankfully we have done well at keeping him out of the hospital for the most part. (TY Zofran!).  Because of this he has missed a lot of school.  We decided that being Max JUST turned 4 and most kids his age aren't in school yet, to take him out.  He was missing too much getting sick so often and not to mention how easily he got sick from other kids.  We are doing lots of fun things at home teaching him and he's ahead of most kids his age as far as reading, ABCs, numbers, ect.   

Max is still getting therapy through the outpatient center.  He loves his therapists and they're awesome with him.  

Aside from the vomiting (yuck) he's having constipation issues.. badly. :( 
I'm thinking we will be seeing a GI doctor in the near future. I really think that Mito has screwed up his bowls or GI tract or something related.   Now that the weather (I sure hope) will be clearing up soon we will be able to get some specialists up at Bronson Children's Hospital. 

So much fun getting specialists is. Let's see to name a few we will most likely be seeing... Geneticist, Neurologist, Urologist, Immunologist, GI doc, can't remember what else off the top of my head. Fun stuff right? Lol whatever makes my baby boy feel the best is what we will do.  

As for my health.. 
My muscle biopsy is Monday...YAY! I can't wait to finally have my own diagnosis and move on towards genetic testing to find out the specifics of my Mito.  
Another event is my left hand (thankfully not my right!) has been in constant pain. I can barely lift, push pull ect with it. They think it started as some kinda arthritis or carpel tunnel.  Well, last friday I slipped on ice at Red Lobster and fell right on my hand so now it's worse. =\   Get to see a hand surgeon now woo lol. Our life is so exciting!

As for Adam (fiance) he's doing fine. Working as usual! Lol. He will be working A LOT the next few months so that we can save up for the wedding. I am so excited (Did I already say that? Well, I AM!).  He has done a lot for Max and I and he loves that boy so much.  Once we are married, he's also going to adopt Max (not like he doesn't already take the role on now lol). 

OK, my hand is killing me so I'm signing off for the night. I am SO sorry I keep lacking on my blogging. Someone poke me more often and remind me LOL. 

Nini everyone!

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