
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oh my goodness, I'm horrible at keeping updated!! Sorry for that..

 So, what's new in the world of Maxtyn?  Back in April/May-ish we got a diagnosis of CVS (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome) and were prescribed a medication to help with it.  We also got some suggestions for the constipation and YAY we are doing well with our daily Miralax.  Okay, that's enough puke/poo talk.. 

Something exciting and awesome that has happened to us, we joined a group called I Run 4 Michael.  This is a group of disabled kids/adults who are unable to run and are matched with those who run and donate their time and miles to their " Buddies ".  We were paired with an awesome lady named Kim. She lives in Texas and we have gotten very close with her!  Max loves her daily updates of things that she does and sees, and we do the same in return. We are very thankful to have Kim in our lives!

We are going to be trying out round two of preschool this year. Max has only had ONE CVS episode since May. (YAY!) We are hoping this trend continues and he doesn't have to miss much school this year!  

The potty training adventures have kinda been put on hold. The sensory and physical weakness issues he's having are pulling us backwards a bit.  His doctor said that he's not too worried right now because Max is doing well getting over the CVS and constipation.  Once he's physically able to pull his pants down and sit on the potty, and we can work on the behavior aspects of potty training with therapists, we will try again!   

Maxtyn will also be screened for Autism. If he does have it, it would be high functioning.  There are a few sensory and behavioral signs that make us (Doctor, therapists, family) think that he might be on the spectrum somewhere.  He is SUPER smart too.  He's already reading books with minimal help at 4 years old! I'm such a proud mommy.   It makes me tear up when I can write him a letter and have him read it and understand it. 

Lets see... Oh! Genetics will be coming up here in a few weeks. We are hoping that it (eventually) leads to an official and exact Mito diagnosis.  This would be AWESOME.  Well, not the fact that we have it, but finally knowing what type so that we may be able to treat some of the symptoms! 

In other, non medical news... We have moved into our own apartment in the next town over.   We are less than 10 minutes away from Grandma and Grandpa so it's not a huge change for Max.   It's a quiet area near a small lake.  Max has his own room and we have two bathrooms (YESSSSS).   Adam has been promoted, and will soon be getting a raise which will be nice for Christmas time! 

As for me, my biopsy wasn't helpful at all. Sadly, that happens sometimes with Mito.  I'll be going to U of M in October to see a Genetics team.  I'm also getting my gallbladder out tomorrow. YAY! I can't wait to be able to eat without pain every day!  

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